This manual has been written for those concerned with the establishment, management and performance of high density apple trees.
The Central Leader in this manual has a set of scaffold limbs at the base with branches above it, called the spindle.
The spindle is a spiral of branches that become progressively weaker (softer) towards the top.
100 pages of information, photos and illustrations
Central Leader in countries with hot, dry summers and high sunlight intensity
The guidelines in this manual for planting densities and tree training have been designed for growing apples on Central Leader in countries that have hot and dry summers with high sunlight intensity.
What you will find in this manual
Trees & spacing
- Row spacings & tree heights
- Tree spacing and densities
- Rootstocks - dwarfing, semi-vigorous, vigorous
- Nursery trees - the ideal tree
Crop protection
- Apple replant disease (ARD)
- Crown gall
- Hail net
- Sunburnt fruit
- Calcium in the soil, tree and fruit
- Replacing nutrient losses
- Nitrogen applications
- Soil test
- Importance of soil organic matter
- Use winter weeds to improve soil
- Weed mulch + gypsum
- Six steps to prepare soil before planting
- Tree growth habit
- Different pruning cuts
- Mistakes when planting
- After planting
- Manage trees in the first 4 seasons - feathered trees, Rods/whips
- What causes biennial bearing
- Scion rooting of apples
- Burr knots
- Watercore
Winter chilling
- Winter chill for breaking dormancy
- Chilling requirement
- Tree response to chilling
- When buds move in spring
- Renewal pruning
- Summer pruning for skin colour
- Root pruning
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