This manual outlines how best to manage pear trees on Open Tatura, and get the outcomes in terms of fruit production.
It emphasises how to:
- Achieve a full and efficient tree canopy at an early tree age
- Sustain optimum fruit production over the projected life of the orchard
- Produce fruit of high quality and good size.
130 pages of information, photos and illustrations
The Open Tatura, where the trees alternate left and right, differs from the Tatura Trellis.
The Open Tatura is open because a narrow strip about 0.50 m wide separates the diagonally planted trees within each row.
Costs and supply of labour are critical concerns. Eliminating ladders boosts workers’ productivity—the more work people can do from the ground, the more efficient they are.
The Open Tatura combines early production of high quality fruit with efficient management of labour.
What you will find in this manual
Tree Training
Maintain a balanced tree structure
1,2,3 method of renewal pruning
Methods explained: scoring; plucking; notching; spraying ethrel
10 rules for growing quality pears
- prune weakest trees first
- remove big wood
- make thinning cuts
- pruning cuts on the underside of branches
- maintain tree height
- postpone topping the heads
- pruning back in 2-year old, or older wood
- keep fruiting wood young
- delay-heading
- get rid of tired spurs
- Winter Nelis
- BP1
- Quince
- BM2000
- D6 for high-density plantings
- Contain root growth
- Packham's Triumph
- Williams' Bon Chretien
- Beurre Bosc
- Corella (Forelle)
- Calcium in the soil, tree and fruit
- Nitrogen
- Soil organic matter
- Leaf vs soil analysis
Orchard management
- Transplant shock
- Pollination & bees
- Hand thinning
- Fruit russet
- Measure fruit maturity
- Water requirements
- Irrigation systems
- Hail net
- Winter chill and dormancy
Pests & Disease
- Crown gall
- Pear blossom blast
- Pear decline
Tree training system
Open Tatura with two leaders
- Promote growth of two leaders, laterals
- Cropping and keeping trees calm
- Renew fruiting wood
Open Tatura with four leaders
- Branchless four-leader concept
- Subdue the two inner shoots
- Promote growth of four leaders with side shoots
- Crop, keep spur wood young & productive
Open Tatura with cordon
- Growing fruiting units, allow fruiting units to bud up
- Set a crop, keep trees calm
- Keep spur wood young and productive